Progress For Weeks 8/9

The past couple of weeks have had some mixed results. First, all of the portables are now completely assembled, and have all been put through preliminary testing, which is basically me just testing to make sure audio, all buttons, video, and all of the relocations are working properly. Last week was spent doing this testing and making sure all of the portables work as expected. Unfortunately around 1/3 of the portables had some sort of major issue that took more than a couple hours to iron out. This week has/will be spent working on getting as many of the ones with issues working, and so far that process has gone pretty well. At the end of this week though, the plan is to switch to prepping all of the working portables for shipment and saving the remaining few with issues to work on once those are shipped. This weekend I’ll really reach out for payment from everyone whose portable is working right now, and if yours isn’t one of the working ones then I’ll reach out and let you know what the current situation with yours is.


Progress For Week 7