Progress for Week 5
The last week went well. Attaching wires to boards went smoothly, so now all boards are fully prepped for placement into the final cases. I took a couple days to work on prepping a couple of other things, like the cooling systems and trimming all of the extra stuff from all of the resin cast buttons. As of right now, all of the the back halves are partially assembled, and I’m hopeful to get them close to fully assembled by the end of this week. The back half houses just about all of the stuff that takes the hardcore troubleshooting, including the Wii, USB stuffs, and power management, so I’ll know how painful the next couple of weeks are going to be based on how many back halves work right out of the gate. My sketched out plan is to get the back halves assembled this week, the front halves assembled next week, and then spend the last week of February doing troubleshooting on the serious issues. After that I’ll move to testing the finer asepcts, like making sure buttons work consistently and smoothly, and then I’ll be ready to start shipping.